Miscellaneous Utilities

The Collage Utilities are a collection of small applications. Some are only for service technician's diagnostic work. Some are for you to use when needed. It is possible you will never use any of these utilities.

All utilities can be found from the Windows 10 search box by entering the name of the utility, or select the Start button and scroll down to Collage-S and click to reveal all the Collage programs.

Cleanup Utility

Use to remove certain unassociated Collage files:

  • Cylinders — Removes cylinder files that do not belong to any job, sometimes called "orphan layouts" or "ghost cylinders".
  • Images — Removes images associated with a job that no longer exists. This does not affect images in a Source image folder.
  • Jobs — Removes corrupt jobs.

Files deleted using the Cleanup Utility cannot be recovered.

Config Utility

The Config Utility is used by the technician during Collage installation to define certain settings. These should not be changed or Collage could cease to work.

One setting that you may choose to modify or create new is an image import Source folder.

Dongle Check

Use the Dongle Check utility to the licenses available on a dongle. You will only use this when instructed to do so by a technician or Customer Support. After selecting this item, a small window displays information about the dongle. Be sure that only one dongle is plugged into the computer when you use this utility.

Hasp Update Tool

Use this to update a dongle, perhaps to add a purchased license or to change the expiration date. After you use the Hasp Update Tool to make a request, send it to OHIO in an email program. OHIO will update the dongle licenses and send you a response via email. You apply the response with the Hasp Update Tool again.

Please see the document Updating a Collage Dongle for complete instructions on using this feature. This document is available in PDF format on your Collage installation disk, in the Document folder.

Teamviewer Remote Support Tool

The Teamviewer program allows an OHIO technician to get on your computer to assist with a problem. The computer running Teamviewer must be on the internet.

Please see the document Using the Remote Support Tool for instructions on using this feature. This document is available in PDF format on your Collage installation disk, in the Document folder. Or see the Service and Support page on ohiogt.com.

Complete information is in the Collage online help.