The Archive Manager Sub-Windows

Inside the main Archive Manager windows you will have usually 2 sub-windows: one for the server which is where current Collge files are stored and one for an archive file.

The title bar of each sub-window shows the name of the server or archive file. Only one sub-window is active at a time. Commands act on the files in the active window. Click on the title bar to make it the active window.

Arranging Sub-Windows

When a sub-window is opened, it overlaps any previously open sub-window.

From the Window menu, you can choose to Tile or Cascade the sub-windows. Press F12 to quickly tile sub-windows, with the active window at the top. F12 also fits the sub-windows horizontally within the main window.

Collage Data Types

In the Collage Data area, click a folder to display the files of that type on the right of the window. By default, the windows always open to Jobs, but you can also archive Gammas/Gradations, Shaprnesses, Cylinder Geometry files, Default files, Templates, and Specialty Filters.

Complete information is in the Collage online help.