The Auto Documenting Engraver with DocuCell, Vital Proof and OHIO Dashboard

OHIO's Auto Documenting Engraver™ provide information conveniently gathered on the Cylinder Birth Certificate automatically produced for every cylinder engraved.
In addition to the standard information (job, screen, angle, stylus and cell pictures), the Enhanced Birth Certificate now includes information from two exciting new options: the DocuCell™ Capturing System and the Vital Proof Multi-Color System. The Birth Certificate can be viewed or printed from the new OHIO Dashboard.
DocuCell™ Capturing System
Automate the process! If you are manually measuring densities on each cylinder to be sure the engraving matches the image data, this is a time-consuming process. With the DocuCell System, the Collage operator simply clicks on each area of the job to be measured. The engraver automatically takes cell pictures and measures cell sizes on the fly, then records the information, wich can be found on the Birth Certificate.
Vital Proof Multi-Color System
Imagine no more proof press: a revolutionary idea? The patented Vital Proof System uses the feedback system of the highly accurate Vision engrave head and compares the engraved result with the original Collage data. When all cylinders have been engraved, the composite image can be viewed on the Collage monitor. The cylinder image with information is available on the Birth Certificate. Can the optional Vital Proof system replace the proof press? Not completely, but it feeds two aspects all customers desire: lower coast and faster delivery.
OHIO Dashboard
The OHIO Dashboard puts all the numbers right in your hands so you can manage production anywhere, at any time, on any device with a web browser and internet connection. See a summary of what has been engraved, on each engraver, for the past day, week, or month. Even cylinders with faults will be listed. The summary shows the percentage of time each engraver was in production instead of idle, proving just how productive the engraver is. Daily reports can be emailed to you.
Note: The DocuCell and Vital Proof system are options for Spectrum and Prism Prime engravers and require Collage version 4.3.13+. All items require updated engraver embedded software.
OHIO Gravure Technologies in Dayton, Ohio USA designs and manufactures advanced equipment for the global gravure printing market. The Engineering, Software Development, and Manufacturing groups work to provide innovative solutions to improve quality and productivity. Our engineering specialty since 1980 is our sub-micron accurate cutting system (Vision engrave head). We provide installation and support for our electromechanical engravers and the prepress layout software Collage for gravure printing.